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Written by Taylor Seabaugh
Updated over a week ago

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Use the Members tab to manage access to Track, including inviting users to your workspace and modifying user permission sets.

To access the Members tab, log in to Track, then navigate to Workspace Settings > Members.

Basics of the Members tab

User permission sets

G2 offers a variety of permission sets to ensure that different members of your workspace have access levels that suit their needs.

For more information on changing a user’s access level, refer to the Modifying user permissions section.

G2 offers the following access levels:

  • Basic: The user can access App Catalog to submit software access and help requests.

  • Viewer: In addition to Basic permissions, the user can view all Track data, except for transactions, compliance, and spend reports.

  • Admin: The user has full access to all Track features, including syncing and disconnecting data sources, viewing transaction data and inviting others to the workspace.

⚠️ G2 also offers the IT Admin permission set, which contains all Admin permissions and allows members of your workspace to manage App Catalog.

Adding or removing the IT Admin permission set can only be done through App Catalog. For more information, refer to the App Catalog documentation.

Workspace privacy settings

Configuring your privacy settings enables you to decide how members of your organization join your workspace. To access your privacy settings, log in to Track, then navigate to Workspace Settings > Privacy.

By default, G2 sets your workspace access to Only specific people, which means that you must manually approve each member of your organization you want to access your workspace.

ℹ️ For more information on individually inviting members to your workspace, refer to the Inviting users to your workspace section.

G2 recommends using the Everyone in my company privacy setting, which enables any user with a matching email domain to automatically join your workspace. By default, these users will be assigned a Basic permission set, and will only be able to access the App Catalog tab.

ℹ️ For more information on App Catalog, refer to the App Catalog documentation

Managing users

Inviting users to your workspace

Inviting team members to your Track workspace provides visibility into your company's software and tech spend while streamlining the software access request process.

To invite users to your workspace:

  1. Go to Track, then navigate to Settings > Members.

  2. Select Invite members to access the Invite members to join editor.

  3. Enter the user’s email into the Email field, then select Add. You can add up to ___ email addresses.

  4. Choose a permission set for the user using the corresponding dropdown. For more information on G2’s permission sets, refer to the User permission sets section.

  5. (Optional) Enter a brief message into the Personal message field.

  6. Select Send Invites.

Modifying user permissions

To modify the access level of a user in your workspace:

  1. Go to Track, then navigate to Settings > Members.

  2. In the Members in your workspace panel, find the email address for the user you want to modify.

  3. Use the corresponding permission set dropdown to select the user’s access level, then select Update.

If you want to change your workspace owner, please contact your G2 representative.

Removing users from your workspace

To remove a user from your workspace:

  1. Go to Track, then navigate to Settings > Members.

  2. In the Members in your workspace panel, find the email address for the user you want to modify.

  3. Select Revoke Access, then select Revoke.

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